Research Groups

Group of Lithuania

Principal Investigator

Prof. Habil. Dr. Eugenijus Norkus

Chief Research Associate Head of Department of Catalysis

Center for Physical Sciences and Technology

Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) has a long experience in studies of various catalytic materials prepared by novel methods (such as electroless metal deposition, electrochemical methods and microwave synthesis). Lithuanian group have good experience in development of novel anode catalyst materials for the low temperature fuel cells by investigating the oxidation of various fuels, e.g. borohydride, hydrazine, methanol/ethanol, on various metal and metal alloy/graphene composites, titanium and titania nanotubes decorated with various metal nanoparticles and testing of fuel cell prototypes. Its contribution to this project is related with the competence in the modifying of synthesized nitrogen-doped carbon materials with graphene-like structure materials with metal nanoparticles (Co, Ni, Fe, Ag, Pd, etc.) using the electroless metal deposition, chemical reduction and microwave synthesis methods.

Group of Latvia

Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (LSIWC) has developed the original method, which allows obtaining of highly porous AC from the wastes of wood processing as well as other biomass based precursors and residues. One of the AC features is the presence of the oxygen containing groups on its surface. These groups are being formed in the process of synthesis. Latvian group have in-depth knowledge about carbon material synthesis, so the nanocarbon materials will be synthesized by them.

Principal Investigator

Habil. Dr. Galina Dobele

Leading Senior Researcher, Member of the Scientific Council

Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry

Group of Taiwan

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) has a strong chemical engineering department. The PI of NCKU and co-PI of National Central University (NCU) have experiences in lignocellulosic biorefining, kinetics and catalysis, and nanomaterials synthesis. The academic records of the Taiwan group have accumulated more than 200 published papers. The research resources such as in situ technique and X-ray adsorption analysis will be conducted in this project, together with electrochemical kinetic analysis according to the specialties of Taiwan group.

Principal Investigator in Taiwan

Associate Prof. Yu-Chuan Lin

Assistant Professor in Department of Chemical Engineering

National Cheng Kung University


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Joint Lithuanian-Latvian-Chinese (Taiwanese) Tripartite Cooperation Programme in the Fields of Science and Technologies.
Project “Innovative Catalysis for Sustainable Energy”.
Project No. P-LTT-21-4